research, actions, re-writings of the contemporary

by Salgemma and Marco Petroni

2 August at 10:30-13:00
Archivio Carmelo Bene – Lecce

In continuity with the Forum on contemporary art “DON’T DREAM ALONE” curated by Marco Petroni last year, in which independent spaces and the institutional system, training, artistic production and the mainstream participated, with the aim of initiating new reflections on the role of contemporary art of performing arts and culture more generally in Apulia (YOU CAN READ THE FINAL DOCUMENT HERE), for the fifth edition of Tempora/Contempora there will be a Study Day on “the state of the art” that will try to monitor research, actions and rewritings carried out in Apulia during 2024, and widening the panorama of research also on the national territory. The intention is to offer a local/national look at the role of art, work, research, also through the exhibition of editorial projects and video screenings.


Free entry after registering on the Google form at the following link:

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