performative incursions

by Miriana Moschetti and Mariella Rinaldi

29 and 30 luglio at 20:30
from Convitto Palmieri to the historical courtyards of Via Paladini – Lecce

The fifth edition of TEMPORA CONTEMPORA FEST, the performing arts, theatre, dance, poetry and visual arts festival promoted by the Accademia Mediterranea dell’Attore di Lecce, in collaboration with the Lecce Biblio-museum, Eu Japan Fest, Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati, Ministero della Cultura, Salgemma, Lecce in Scena, Comune di Galatina, and the Korean Cultural Institute in Italy, will be inaugurated with a travelling performance starting from the Convitto Palmieri (piazzetta Giosuè Carducci).

A composition of dynamic bodies will open the performance and lead the audience to discover the courtyards and gardens of Lecce’s historical residences, including the Palazzo Marulli Famularo Garden, Palazzo Morisco Courtyard, Palazzo Tamborino Cezzi and Palazzo Bernardini Garden. On both evenings, the group of performers will inhabit two of the four palaces, with dance, music, readings and songs narrating the theme of the wandering body, which becomes a container of energy, fragility and emotions. The route will end at the Convitto Palmieri, where the audience will be involved for the closing moment.

On stage will be young performers from the Liceo Coreutico Ciardo Pellegrino in Lecce and the Accademia Mediterranea dell’Attore led by Mariella Rinaldi and Miriana Moschetti: Benedetta Ala, Sofia Annese, Roberta De Leo, Gioacchino Bergamo, Gaia Quarta, Silvia Siciliani, Luigi Simmini, Noemi Serino, Mauro Perrone, Mattia De Giuseppe.


Free entry.

Reservations are recommended by telephoning +39 3894424473 or emailing