Workshop – In this rapport I am focused on my part of the workshop`s obligations – the
focus on visual dramaturgy. After creating the title and the concept of the workshop and
shared a line direction to Iskra her to co-create her part of the workshop – After 2030, I
choose the 3 manifestos from the History of Arts – Manifesto of Dadaism, Manifesto of
Futurists, Manifesto of Surrealists in order to be a starting inspiration for creating a
Manifestos of Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Flora, Fauna (suggestions by Iskra), during the
workshop. We choose the optimistic and pessimistic perspectives in a creative dichotomy
and we used the manifesto structure by using numbers from 1 to 10 in order to create
manifestative statements on each climate change topics. Following the inspirational
materials, we used several exercise – creating a manifestos for my personal Dadaist, my
personal Futurists, my personal Surrealists, creating a manifesto for the climate change –
an exercise for switching from avant-garde sources into climate change topics –
participants created 6 collective and co-creative dramatic manifestos following the
methods of dramatic jam session(s).
The follow up of our workshop is to publish the manifestos for the climate change – air,
water, earth, fire, flora, fauna in a format of PDF eBook and to promote it internationally.
Collaboration with my dear colleague Iskra Sukarova (dancer, performer, choreographer,
professor) was in synergy, with mutual respect and collaboration, in the inspiring ongoing
and co-creative process. Her movement and public performing solution wrapped-up in a
significant way our textual part of the workshop.
The group consistent of participants in mixed generation and professions (students in
acting and retired professionals in architecture and physics), was amazing – they were
extremely creative and inventive, dedicated, hard working with all the humor and
enjoyment in the process, impeccable co-creative process with final results performing in
front of the audience.
Least but not last our respected organizers – hosts – the team of AMA Lecce, head Mr.
Franco Ungaro, brilliant coordinator Rossella Notarnicola who coordinated and translated
all the materials, all the process in a perfect manner. I am grateful to their hospitality,
attention, care and respect to/toward our effort, experience and work during the


In the period of 5 days together with Ivanka Apostolova Baskar we collaborated in the direction of as Ivanka proposed the 3 manifestos from the History of Arts – Manifesto of Dadaism, Manifesto of Futurists, Manifesto of Surrealists in order to be a starting inspiration for creating a Manifestos of Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Flora, Fauna I I am very interested in research on the topic of climate change and how it affects plants and animal species. I am also an animal activist

The focus in the collaborative process was to follow exercises that were shared with the participants so they could explore different qualities in Movement efforts such as slow/fast, fluid/sustained, heavy/light, direct/indirect (referring to Rudolf Laban’s effort scales)

After defining the text that came from the research with Ivanka I implemented in the final presentation some choreographic tools to enhance the performative elements.

This was very well accepted from the participants and brought out a very strong performance in the final presentation using repetition as a core element (referring to the work of the post-modern choreographer Lucinda Childs).

The feedback after the public presentation was excellent and came from experts in the field of dramaturgy and choreography 

Collaboration with my dear colleague Ivanka Apostolova Baskar was very inspiring and we co – build a strong structure for future research in this direction.

The group of participants was consisted of mixed generation and professions (students in acting and retired professionals in architecture and physics).

Thank you to the team of AMA Lecce, head Mr. Franco Ungaro and project coordinator Rossella Notarnicola.