partnership meeting

by Valentina Valentini

3 August at 10:00-13:00
Museo Castromediano – Lecce

SOFFIO is Valentina Valentini’s project idea with the intention of launching between Apulia, Latium, Abruzzo and Molise a review/reflection/action on contemporary vocalities in the theatrical and performance scene, which is being composed through the presentation of performances, shows, workshops, talks, projections, listenings and radio broadcasts, with precise insights into the Italian theatre scene (Chiara Guidi, Roberto Latini, Ermanna Montanari), involving artists conducting sound research (Alvin Curran, Gabriella Bartolomei, Roberto Paci Dalò), scholars and cultural operators.

Speakers: Francesco Ceraolo (professor Discipline dello Spettacolo Dams Unisalento), Luigi De Luca (director Polo bibliomuseale di Lecce), Franco Ungaro (director Accademia Mediterranea dell’Attore di Lecce), Annamaria Talone (artistic director Spazio Matta di Pescara), Stefano Scipioni (ACS Abruzzo Circuito Spettacolo Teramo).


Free entry.

Reservations are recommended by telephoning +39 3894424473 or emailing