K (A) O

dance and technology performance

by and with Kenji Shinoe (Japan)

4 August at 21:15
Convitto Palmieri – Lecce

At the heart of the show are emoji, the funny, colourful smilies to which the expression of feelings in digital communication is delegated, and the doubt that their abuse impoverishes and hides real emotional expressions.

If we use the laugh-out-loud smiley face in chat, do we laugh with it? And if we use the one that sheds copious tears? What face do we really make?

But the real question at the heart of the work is: how can we recover our true feelings? In K-(A)-O, Japanese choreographer Kenji Shinohe explores, through the body and digital technologies, how feelings are expressed on keyboard symbols. A performance that puts words aside to address the highly topical issue of ‘superficial communication’, created by new technologies and used in particular – but not only – by the younger generations.

Production: Japan


Entrance fee – Single ticket for the shows ‘Hirundo’ and ‘K-(A)-o’: Full 12€, Reduced 7€ (under 30 and over 60). Pre-sale tickets at www.mailticket.it.

Reservations are recommended by telephoning +39 3894424473 or emailing info@accademiaama.it.