theater and dance performance – NATIONAL PREMIERE

by and with Miriana Moschetti

3 August at 21:00
Ex Convento delle Clarisse – Galatina

Inspired by the swallows’ journey, Hirundo, is the Latin name for this small migratory bird that travels thousands of kilometres every year to find its place in the sun. It is a dance of space exploration, an attempt at adaptation preceded by the exploration of a foreign, asexual body. The movement comes to life from the hands, which in art represent the extension of creative thought. The fragmentation, graphic clarity and suspension of the choreographic gesture meet abstraction, which becomes the main feature of this union, giving life to a formal and essential language where body and sound offer themselves naked to the gaze and to listening.

Production: Italy – AMA – Accademia Mediterranea dell’Attore

Direction, Choreography and Interpretation: Miriana Moschetti

Dramaturgy: Cosimo Lopalco

Choreographic Research Accompaniment: Francesca Foscarini

Costumes: Lilian Indraccolo


Free entry.

Reservations are recommended by telephoning +39 3894424473 or emailing info@accademiaama.it.