Attore del Teatro Cricot 2 dal 1982 al 1992, poi del Teatro Compagnie du Singulier dal 1994 al 1996 e del Teatro MIST dal 1996 al 1997.
Ha recitato nelle produzioni di Tadeusz Kantor La classe morta, Let the Artists Die, Wielopole Wielopole, I Shall Never Return e Today Is My Birthday.
Dal 1980 lavora presso il Centro di documentazione dell’arte di Tadeusz Kantor “Cricoteka” di Cracovia. Ha curato numerose mostre sull’opera di Tadeusz Kantor in Polonia e all’estero.
Bogdan Renczyński ha condotto i seguenti laboratori teatrali:
- 2015 Atelier théâtral. Methode Kantor?, Universite Toulouse – Jean Jaures2015 The Work of Tadeusz Kantor, The Watermill Center, New York
- 2015 The Work of Tadeusz Kantor, Yale University Theatre Studies, New York
- 2014 Workshop during the CROSSROADS 2014 project ‘The 21st International Meeting of Live Arts. Performances by artists from France and Poland’, Center for Contemporary Art Zamek Ujazdowski in Warsaw
- 2013 L’arte del vivere in viaggio di Tadeusz Kantor e Pina Bausch, Carovana SMI, Cagliari
- 2013 Mom… It’s me, Lazarus, BAI Bizkaiko Antzerki Ikastegia, Bilbao
- 2012 Meeting with the Theatre of Death, Center for Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor Cricoteka
- 2011- Weston College, at the invitation of Gerard Stephenson (I’m Lady Macbeth).
- 2010 – l’ARTA (Association de Recherche des Traditions de l’Acteur) in Cartoucherie, Paris (Aussi pres des poubelles que de l’éternité / As Close to Dumpster as to Eternity).
- 2008 – Ferme de Trielle, Thiézac, Auvergne (Le Seuil / Threshold).
- 2008 – École des Beaux-Arts KASK, Gent, Belgia (he collaborated with Rene van Gijsegem on a graduation performance La mer des arbres / The Wooden Sea).
- 2006 – Théâtre des Asphodeles, Lyon, as part of the Kantor en Rhône-Alpes festival (La Perte des feuilles / Trees Shed Their Leaves).
- 2006 – Regional Cultural Center, Łańcut (Chair).
Renczyński ha diretto la produzione What Shall We Do With the Cello di Matei Vişniec del Théâtrè des Collines a Etoile (Francia, 2007). Ha messo in scena le sue produzioni: Rebecca, mia madre al Théâtre du Radeau di Le Mans (Francia, 2010) e Mama da al Teatro Maska di Rzeszów, prima assoluta nell’ottobre 2012.